School has started!

The Crane's
4 min readSep 2, 2021

One of the things that I have probably been most excited about and most nervous about is school for the kids. When the kids started kindergarten, I was just as excited and nervous, but this feels so so much different. Our car arrived last week (just in time for me to drive the kids to school) and we did a trial run on Saturday. From our house to the school it takes about 8–10 minutes, unless there is a donkey cart blocking the road, a fallen tree blocking the entrance or you get stuck in the sand. The first day, Corey had to go early to help with the fallen tree and he asked if I was ok driving the kids on my own. The kids and I piled into the car, I thankfully did not hit the garage (which is tiny) or anyone or anything on the way. Carter helped direct me of course the whole time and we made it safely. The kids were quickly shuffled out of the car and into school before I could get a hug or kiss. I did manage to yell an “I love you” to each before they walked through the gates, down the sandy path to their front door. I cried the entire way back to the house. The night before school started I was wondering what I would do to fill my time while the kids were at school. Normally, I would go to Target or the grocery store to shop and of course buy myself something wonderful to make myself feel better. It always helps to get a latte, shop and get something new. God covered the details of the morning by sending me a sweet friend (who is normally working all week and took the day off) and we went out to breakfast. I ordered in french (barely), we drank lattes and ate croissants filled with chocolate and I was reminded of Gods faithfulness to take care of the details of even just one day. Helena and I spent some time together baking when I got home and the day went by pretty quickly. When we picked the kids up it was an absolute disaster. They were so hungry (lunch was short, recess was not what they imagined, they were dirty, tired, smelly and overwhelmed). This was their first overwhelmed not great first day of school. I of course, had a total meltdown of tears all afternoon (trying my best to hold it together) thinking that this was as bad as it gets. If they don’t like school here, we cannot make it! I called mom and dad of course and in true mom and dad fashion, they told me everything was going to be ok and God would cover the details. I was reminded that He promises to work in all things for the good of those who love him. Day two was a little bit better, day three was a little bit better. Aaron reminded me that different cultures are good for the kids, and God will use this time to build them up. Corey spent extra time at home making sure the kids knew everything was going to be ok. I am thankful for a family who leads me well. The school director and her husband have been a huge answered prayer for us. They continue to check on our kids and cover us with extra care. We are still overwhelmed with the differences of this little school. Our hearts are still a little bit sad, missing the warmness of our west Texas school and the protection and safety it provided. We miss the big playground and the lunch tables and the desks that are big enough for tall legs. We miss the school nurse, and the air conditioning and the school supplies. It will take the kids some time to adjust to a different culture, different building, different way of life. I am absolutely certain we will have more hard school days here, but I am absolutely certain God is strengthening my children in a way I cannot teach them on my own. He is covering them with protection and He is providing teachers who I have already seen love my kids well. The teaching assistants in both kids classes were two of the teachers at the summer camp at the embassy this summer. It is not by chance they were at the summer camp. God planned and prepared a way for the kids to see a glimpse of His faithfulness to them. Even on the hard days, I will trust that He is in control because I am not in control. I think when I pick them up today it will be a little bit better than yesterday.

