We made it to Africa!

The Crane's
3 min readJul 6, 2021

We arrived three weeks and two days ago. The flights over were rough, loud, long and tiring. Corey and Sammy flew through Morocco and arrived about 8 hours before us. The kids and I flew through Paris and arrived Sunday evening June 13th. I have to say, the kids did amazing. They were helpful and did not complain and I was so proud of them. We love our house here. We are walking distance to the Embassy and love the location! Our house is guarded 24/7 and the laundry room is right by their guard station so I see them quite often. :) They are so kind and helpful and I have enjoyed getting to know them. The last picture is on our street, the roads are sand and we are hot and sandy the minute we walk out our front door. We have seen poverty like never before and have had a hard time finding food that reminds us of home. The “grocery stores” here are dirty and smelly and you never know what the food will be like when you get home. We will never again take for granted clean water, grocery stores or air conditioning again. I have to say though I love the simplicity of being here. We rely on God to give us what we need each day and that is enough. The kids have had a few days of missing Lubbock and friends and family but God is sustaining us and I can see His planning for us in so many details so far. He knew just what we needed and provided for us from the minute we arrived. Many people have helped us “settle in” and we are so thankful for them. Pray with us for the people here to come to know Jesus, pray for us to lead others well and for God to grow us and teach us His plan and purpose. We are so thankful for this time to learn from a people we never thought we’d meet in a land we never thought we’d live in. I’ll write every so often and hope to have some fun pictures to share. Love to you all.

